Small Business Innovative Research Programs (SBIR)

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program is a government initiative designed to stimulate innovation and foster technological advancement by providing funding and support to small businesses with fewer than 500 employees. Through the SBIR program, eligible businesses have the opportunity to compete for funding across various federal agencies, including the Department of Defense, Department of Energy, National Institutes of Health, and NASA, among others.

This program operates in three phases: Phase I focuses on feasibility studies to evaluate the scientific or technical merit of proposed innovations; Phase II supports further research and development efforts to develop prototypes or processes; and Phase III facilitates the commercialization of technologies developed through Phases I and II.

By offering funding, resources, and opportunities for small businesses to advance their innovative ideas, the SBIR program plays a crucial role in driving economic growth, promoting job creation, and addressing the technological needs of federal agencies. It serves as a catalyst for entrepreneurship and innovation, empowering small businesses to bring their groundbreaking ideas to market and make a lasting impact on society.

Squadron Innovation Funds

What is SIF?

Squadron Innovation Funds (SIF) is the first avenue to help execute your ideas. The 437th AW and 628th ABW each get about $400k annually to fund your innovation ideas, whether it’s an existing product or service, or we have to get something developed.

Big Projects

For any projects with a large investment and may require more money they will have to be submitted via our Pitch.Day requests. Read more about our Pitch Days here.

Small Projects

Small projects can be submitted to Palmetto Spark via the “Submit Ideas” button. After that we can route and help get your idea up to wing leadership for approval.


At Palmetto Spark, we provide all the resources necessary to turn your project ideas into reality. Whether you're looking to enhance an existing process or develop something new, our organization, teams, and programs are here to support you every step of the way. Below, you'll find a curated selection of programs dedicated to bringing your ideas to life!

Resources that may help turn your ideas to Reality.


We are constantly discovering new problem-solving platforms and resources. We are currently working on developing an “Innovation Brochure” to help you quickly figure out which of the resources listed would be the best avenue to take to find a solution for the problem you want to solve.

Have a question?

Reach out to us today and we can discuss a way to help your ideas become reality.